Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A digression from the regularly scheduled programming...

I sat down with every intention of writing about my gardening adventures. I did, in fact, (to be edited and posted at a later date) but it wasn't inspired. I have something else on my mind.

I work in a hospital operating room. Four 10 hour shifts each week. 6:00AM-5:00PM. The entire department has fluorescent lighting in addition to the OR lights used when a surgery is in progress. My facility, in particular, has no windows anywhere in the department. There are times in the winter, that I go days without ever seeing the sun. It is tough for a FL person like me to go that long without recharging my solar batteries.  By the end of the week, I feel drained.

Don't get me wrong, I love my job. I love the great group of people I get to work with every day. We make an excellent team. Most days, my coworkers manage to make a potentially tiring and stressful job fun. In the sage words of Andy (one of the circulating RNs), “If you can't have fun at work, GO HOME!” So that's what I try to do.  I make the best of my job and hope that some day I will win the lotto (that I never play) and not have to spend the better part of my life slaving for the almighty dollar.

I recently subscribed to a blog called Frugally Sustainable. It got me pondering what I would do if I didn't have to worry about money. It would be such a freeing existence to be able to focus entirely on doing things that I love to do.  Now, like many others, I work in order to be able to afford to live.  Life is what I do after work.  A lot of us would jump at the chance to not have to work 40 hours a week in order to pay the bills.  The question is: What would you do with those extra hours?

That's the part I'm having trouble answering.  No 6-5 existence?  Sign me up!  From there, I'm lost.  I love making candles, and homemade cleaners.  I'm an avid outdoors woman and wouldn't mind joining archery and/or skeet leagues.  Would I still love doing all those things if I started making a living off of them?  More then likely, yes.  Do I really think I could make enough to live comfortably doing one or more of the above mentioned hobbies?  Not so much.  

Ever since I started making candles last Christmas I have been repeatedly told I should get on Etsy and try to sell them.  I took a few minutes a couple months back and checked out the competition.  Unbelievable!  So many people are trying to sell their homemade candles, too.  My ego says mine are better (of course!) and unique but my ever present rational side says that the chance for success with a flooded market like that is unlikely.

I'm not a risk taker by nature. I don't function well flying by the seat of my pants.  I'm more of a plodder.  You know the type.  Nose to the grindstone, dependable, reliable, responsible.  So, odds are I will never take the leap to make the above mentioned lifestyle a reality. A girl can dream, though, right?!  Perhaps the more I dwell on it the more I can convince myself it's possible.  Wish me luck!

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