You know the one I mean...
The time when the days get longer, the flowers bloom, the bugs come out in full force, and the scorching heat and instant sweat producing humidity start again.
Oh, and that damn birthday monster rears it's goofy-hat-wearing, noise-making, balloon toting head. Ugh. Two weeks and then I can forget it exists for another year. Anyone else want to sleep through their birthday?
It's funny, as a kid, I looked forward to my birthday. Not in the way you would think, either. I wasn't excited about the party, the cake, or the presents. I knew that my birthday meant I was in the final stretch of the school year and in a few short weeks we would be on our merry way to New Jersey. Maybe merry isn't the right word to describe an 18 hour car trip with two gaseous dogs and an obnoxious older brother. Either way, my birthday signified more then just a day to celebrate my birth. It stood for freedom, fresh air, and three blissful months of stress-free existence. I looked forward to it because of that. Sadly, summer no longer equates to three months of freedom, which subsequently gives me even less of a reason to look forward to my upcoming birthday.

Adam has rented a cabin for us for the end of May in Silver Springs. That should be a hippies dream birthday filled with lots of outdoor activities like swimming in frigid springs, canoeing, and bike riding with the added comfort of having a private bathroom to poop in. That is truly my only reason for requesting a cabin (this time) instead of tent camping. The best part is it will be far enough after my actual birth date to be able to pretend it's just a fun mini-vacation.
Yes, well, enough about me.
Our garden is slowly withering away in the heat. We have sweet potato starters coming in the mail, because we've been told they grow well even in the south FL summers. We'll see. The only plants that seem to be thriving are our oregano, parsley, and the lavender seeds I planted, oh I don't know, 5 months ago that never did anything until now. I will no doubt be drying some of our herbs in my trusty dehydrator. I am out of wax for candle making so that particular hobby is on hold for the time being. I still have some supplies for soap making if anyone wants to put in their request. Still haven't braved trying to can anything, but I think that will be my next adventure.
Until the next time I feel like rambling on about nothing inparticular...
ooooohhhh and P.S. Happy Mother's Day to all you brave procreating women out there! I think y'all are a bunch of looney tunes but I guess someone has to do it!
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