Thursday, October 4, 2012

Everything Tastes Better When You Make it Yourself!

I am a huge snacker.  I eat a bit like a hobbit--I routinely have three "breakfasts" before lunchtime.  It probably doesn't help that I eat my first breakfast before 6 AM.  I have converted Adam into a chronic snacker, too, and now our lunchboxes are packed full of healthy-ish munchies.  

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Laundry and Soap DIY Continued

In keeping with my previous post I'm going to continue blathering on about my new found homemade recipes!  In addition to my awesome DIY dryer balls I've been using white vinegar in my rinse cycle.  This recipe for homemade fabric softener isn't a dilution of store bought stuff.  It is actually a combination of vinegar and essential oils.  I made the homemade fabric softener and although next time I will add more essential oil I am happy to have something to add to my wash load that leaves a scent for the clothes that don't go into the dryer while reducing static to boot!