Monday, July 29, 2013

< A Peck of Pickled Peppers

Before the evil white flies annihilated our jalapeno bushes, we harvested quite a few peppers.  If you've never tried them, fresh jalapenos are HOT. Really HOT.  I like the flavor of them, but don't enjoy pain (while eating at least). My favorite way to eat them is pickled.  You can put them on nachos, tacos, or even pizza like we did in my last post.  With the yield from our bushes I was able to make two jars of pickled peppers.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Dining room upgrade: upcycling project from hell

When Adam and I moved in together I brought all the furniture.  He contributed a BBQ grill and a TV and that's about it.  Everything else was mine.  I was living in a one bedroom apartment before we started renting this house so you can imagine that my four-seater bar top table from Walmart wasn't exactly a functional item.