Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Container gardening Fall 2014

I finally got back to my roots today.  Literally.  I planted my little fall garden on my patio.  I had forgotten how happy I feel with dirt in my hands. 

I'm lucky enough to work with someone who acquires a lot of really cool stuff for free.  Her husband does property maintenance and remodeling for the wealthy folks on Jupiter Island.  When these people decide they want a change they don't care where the old stuff goes as long as the new stuff arrives as planned.  Needless to say, I've acquired some really useful things.  Most recently, I was given two large and deep planters.  They are plastic and sturdy and totally perfect for my purposes.

First, I drilled a few more drain holes in the bottom.  With all the rain we've been having I worried my starter plants might drown.  Better to be safe than sorry.  Plus I'm always looking for another reason to utilized my handy dandy drill.

Next, I filled the bottom of both boxes with rock.  Also to promote drainage.

After that it was just a matter of adding dirt, compost, and some Jobe's fertilizer and spacing out the plants.  I pretty much ignored the suggested distancing because of the limited space I had available.  We'll have to wait and see whether that backfires on me.
Left to right: Collard greens, zucchini

red romaine, bibb lettuce
I had a really hard time choosing what to grow.  I wanted to grow things I knew I would use so I thought lettuce was a safe bet.  I still have a tomato plant from last season that shot up a new shoot and is flowering again.  I will probably buy another pot and plant for a fresh batch of tomatoes this season.  My herbs are all doing well despite my neglect.  I went too long between waterings during the heat of summer and my mint and oregano looked toast.  They have since resurrected to their former bushy glory thanks to mother nature's excessive rain for the past month or so.

I rearranged my patio furniture in order to place these boxes in just the right spot.  Hopefully they get enough sun.  I know lettuces do fine in partial shade.  I'm hoping that the zucchini gets enough sun to produce.  The plants look a little sad already so I'm not holding out much hope.  I'm not sure I will be able to move the planters now that they are full so fingers crossed they get all the water and sun they need!

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