Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Poo-Free Challenge Week 3 Update

In keeping with my new P.O.A.:

6/28/12 – I went an extra day between washings. Hair didn't come completely clean from the wash on the 25th so it was disgustingly greasy by today. Feels better now that it's been washed but it still doesn't feel as though it's getting completely clean. I used ¼ cup of vinegar in 1 cup of water for conditioner but rinsed it out. I let it almost completely dry down. My hair definitely isn't as poofy but I'm attributing that to the fact that it's not actually coming clean.

7/1/12 – I held out as long as possible. My hair was so dirty it felt like I was striving for dreadlocks. Stringy and so greasy that when I ran my hands through it would stay in an upright position. I knew it was bad when it started grossing out Adam.  I used 1 ½ cups worth of shampoo (still the same ratio of baking soda) and the more concentrated vinegar mixture and didn't rinse it out completely. My hair finally came clean!! I don't know if it's because I used a larger quantity of shampoo or if I'm coming out of the over-correction phase but I'm grateful regardless!

7/2/12 – I went to bed with my hair wet so it is in a special state of poofiness.  My hair is still blissfully clean but very dry at the ends. Almost straw-like.  I'm glad I can tie it back in a ponytail.

7/3/12 – Not greasy at all!! I still don't need to wash it. Texturally, it's crispy and rather stringy. At this point I'm just grateful it's not greasy anymore. 

So, the beginning of week 3 was by far the worst part of the challenge for me.  I've never let my hair get to that state of grime before.  I began counting down the days until the challenge ends.  By the end of this week, though, I felt a breakthrough.  My hair is finally completely clean and is staying that way for longer then it ever did with real shampoo! I am re-energized and positive about the final week of the poo-free challenge.  The only issue I'm still having is flakes.  I wonder if I can put some tea tree oil in the shampoo mixture.  I will have to do some research.


  1. I got to give it to you, I went no poo for less than two weeks before I couldn't handle it anymore. That was a year ago, I'm thinking about trying it again.

  2. I've gotten behind on my week 4 update but I feel the process was totally worth the outcome! If you can suffer through the gross parts you won't be disappointed!
