Saturday, September 28, 2013

Mel Smells: Another 30 Day Challenge

If you've been following me since I started this blog, you know I started the journey of No Poo in June of 2012.  After the initial transition period I have never looked back.  I haven't needed to adjust my formula but I've noticed a change in my hair since we've moved to the new house.  We have well water here, instead of the chlorinated city water my white-girl-Afro has grown accustom to.  Because of that, I've noticed that I don't have to wash my hair as often.  Previously, I was No Pooing three days a week and now I'm down to two.  The well water seems to make my hair drier and more prone to snarls.  Having tangles is a new concept for me because I've always been able to run my fingers through my hair without a problem.  Now, when I comb my hair out in the shower I struggle, even with a wide tooth comb.  I have no idea why well water would cause this, but it's the only explanation I can find.

So, in the year that Adam and I have been poo-free we haven't made the leap into anything else homemade.  I am still using homemade cleaners and laundry detergent (except for our whites which I'm trying to avoid getting dingy so I bought Seventh Generation for those loads) but I can't bring myself to do away with store bought body wash and dish soap.  We are currently using Kiss My Face brand body wash and Seventh Generation brand dish washing soap (unscented) which were chosen both for their earth friendly practices and their functionality.  For those two uses I can't get past the need for lather so the homemade stuff just won't do.  Maybe someday I will make the leap.

My newest issue, or an old one if you ask my brother, is my need of deodorant.  My smelly Mellie nickname (thanks, Danny) has been apt since puberty.  Now, I don't want all of you thinking that I'm that rank person you don't want to get stuck in an elevator with.  I don't smell THAT bad.  Really.  I just can't go without deodorant or you will know.  I'm not much of a sweater but my pits definitely get ripe with activity.  Take now for example:  I forgot to put deodorant on last night before bed (that is when I usually apply) and this morning I went outside and mowed the lawn.  It wasn't hot enough outside to sweat or anything but it was warm.  I now smell like a lawn maintenance worker who worked a 10 hour day not a lady who road a tractor around the yard for an hour.

I've tried every deodorant under the sun.  I tried the "prescription strength" kind with the extra aluminum and still managed to smell right through it.  I bought into that expensive hoax for years before Adam told me to try the regular stuff and see if it was that much worse.  It wasn't.  I honestly think I smell LESS now with the lower dose of aluminum.  Riddle me, that.  To add insult to injury Adam NEVER smells.  He uses some organic chemical free Whole Foods crap that has no antiperspirant properties and he still never comes home smelly.  Hell, he can not put any on, go outside and sweat for hours and still come in smelling like sweat but not in a rank sort of way.  It isn't the least bit fair.

Anyway, I've seen recipes for homemade deodorant floating around on pinterest for quite some time.  I'm just now jumping on the bandwagon.  It is another 30 challenge, people! Aren't you excited?  Well I am!  I went to our friendly neighborhood health food store, (Peggy's) for the one obscure ingredient and whipped up a batch (or two) yesterday. 

Want to join me for the challenge?  Here is what you need:
  • 1/4 cup arrowroot powder
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 4 TB unrefined coconut oil
  • 10 drops of your favorite essential oil
  • an airtight storage container 

Mix the dry ingredients first and slowly incorporate the coconut oil a tablespoon at a time until you reach the consistency of cake frosting.  Add 10(ish) drops of your favorite essential oil and mix thoroughly.  I used a citrus blend because that's the only non-feminine smelling option I had on hand.  Because of the coconut oil there will be a distinct smell of coconut to the final product.  Be sure to pick an essential oil that won't clash.  The mixture with the citrus smells just fine.  According the this site, this quantity will last you about 4 months.  I used an old tucks tub for storage so I don't have any finished product pictures because you couldn't really see anything with the white on white.

Starting today, after I take a (much needed) shower, I am going to apply my first round of homemade deodorant. I will continue to use it daily, for the next thirty days (assuming I don't have some freakish allergic reaction or something).  I don't know if weekly updates will be necessary but we will see.

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode:

"A Mel that doesn't Smell?!" 

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