Tuesday, August 7, 2012

People are Strange, When You're a Stranger

I took a sociology class back in college and thoroughly hated it.  My professor was a sexist ass but that's besides the point.  The take home message I got from that entire semester of torture was that people are sheep.  When put in a group most people will go with the general flow of the crowd.  Not necessarily in the herd type of way either.  I'm referring to the concept of group thought.  Studies have shown time and time again that when put on the spot in front of a group of peers individuals will outwardly agree with the consensus of the majority even if they truly feel otherwise.  Makes you wonder about our justice system doesn't it?  Having a jury of people convene about a person's innocence or guilt is not my idea of "justice."

But I digress...

Back to people are sheep.  Some people are not, of course. Most people will argue tooth and nail that they are unique, different, immune to group thought.  I happen to be one of those people.  I definitely fit into the minority of people who could give a rats patoot about most of the people in the universe.  I'll take my hand selected network of people and ignore the rest, thank you very much.  I have worked hard to weed out the incompetent and manipulative people in favor of the more genuine and capable variety.

People who hardly know me tell me I am honest to a fault.  They are right.  I struggle daily to control my word-vomit-like honesty.  I can be inadvertently brutal and have managed to hurt many peoples feelings over the years just by saying what I think.  That's the problem though, isn't it?  Saying what you think isn't always wise.  Censoring is a necessary evil when trying to function in society.  I need to find the balance between saying what I mean and being mean with what I say.

This past weekend was a testament to that concept.  I essentially verbally abused someone I care about trying to get my point across.  If I had taken a few minutes to calm down and think about what I wanted to say I could have expressed myself in a less abrasive fashion.  It's a frustrating experience to believe so thoroughly in the message you're trying to express only to have it be misconstrued or ignored because of your delivery.  Thankfully, this time I was forgiven and understood despite my repugnant delivery.  I really hope to not have a next time.  

So, personal growth mantra of the week:

Think first.  Speak second!


  1. Isnt this true and something to think about. Thank you for this topic it has my mind wondering. SO I am new to your blog and REALLY enjoy your writing. Happy to meet you :)

  2. Thanks so much for your kind words! I'm still very new to the blogging world. I figured only my close friends and family would bother to read it! Thanks for finding me!
