Friday, September 14, 2012

Oily-Face Challenge Week 3 Update

Week 3 Formulation:

1/3 castor to 2/3 apricot kernel oil
Holy Gross, Batman!!   

The moment I've been dreading has finally arrived! My skin is rebelling!  At the end of week 3, I am 100% grossed out to look in the mirror.  


(Just a preview of the ridiculous pictures to come!)

To be fair, it doesn't seem to just be my face and neck (which I have been oil cleansing, by the way).  My shoulders and back are a mess as well.  Because of that fact, I can't completely contribute the chaos that's occurring to the oil cleansing method.  A lot has happen during this week to cause extra stress, lack of sleep, and a round of steroids.  Not good for the pores, that's for sure!  I had Adam take pictures of my disgusting face a few nights ago, and I have every intention of posting them.... my conclusion post after week 4.  

So, until then, grease and peace in the middle east, my friends!

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